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Name Type Description Notes
id int    
volume VolumeMini    
info {str: (str, none_type)}    
custom_fields {str: (str, none_type)}    
full_path str   [readonly]
is_shared bool, none_type   [readonly]
is_hardlink bool   [readonly]
is_bookmarked bool, none_type   [readonly]
exclusion_info MediaFileExclusionInfo    
child_count int, none_type   [readonly]
name str   [readonly]
path str   [readonly]
pathhash str   [readonly]
ancestry str   [readonly]
is_dir bool   [readonly]
total_files int, none_type    
size int   [readonly]
mtime int   [readonly]
present bool   [readonly]
needs_rescan bool    
is_showroom bool   [readonly]
bundle_index int   [readonly]
modified datetime   [readonly]
resolved_permission MediaRootPermission   [optional]
parent_file {str: (str, none_type)}   [optional] [readonly]
root MediaRootMini   [optional]
effective_custom_fields {str: (str, none_type)}, none_type   [optional] [readonly]
modified_by ElementsUserMini   [optional]
is_excluded str, none_type   [optional] [readonly]
is_excluded_from_proxy_generation str, none_type   [optional] [readonly]
parent int, none_type   [optional] [readonly]
bundle int, none_type   [optional] [readonly]

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